No stamping yet today. Today the girls are having Sports Day at school so I am spending most of my day there. Thankfully the weather is great. It has been rainy all week and is supposed to rain this weekend, so this is an answer to prayer that the sun is shining.
I just want to share my ds first professional haircut experience. My dh needed a haircut so he suggested that we get Matthew's hair done too. He is a very active little boy and has not let us give him proper haircuts at home, so I really hoped this would work. He was a bit hesitant to sit on the chair and I had to hold his hands for quite awhile, but after that he actually seemed to enjoy this experience. So here is a before and after picture of Matthew
They added the green colored spikes, which his sisters thought was really funky.

Congratulations, Rosella. You are the winner of the blog candy give away on Sweetie's Stamping blog.
If you would email me your address, I will mail you your prize. The email is melissawohlers@charter.net.
Thanks so much for playinng!
what a cute little man!
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