Good Morning YOU,
It is a lovely Monday morning and I just have the urge to celebrate. So I want to make a celebration to YOU. Thank YOU for dropping by and leaving your comments on my blog. I want to give YOU a small gift.

It includes:
SCRAPBOOKING ON THE GO - great small scrapbooking ideas
2 6X6 pads of decorated paper, 1 in soft green tones, 1 in classic earth tones (I really like this one!)
2 finishing accents
I would love to get to know you a little better, so I would like for you to tell me something about your stamping life. It can be: what is your favorite stamping technique, what time of day are you most inspired, where do you get your inspiration, who is your favorite stamper, where do you stamp??? I will ask my hubby to give me a number Thursday night. So be back on Friday for the WINNER!
I have found out that I get the best ideas when I am lying down. Unfortunately that is usually at bedtime and I am tired. So, that is a very short time. I really like the layering, and am trying to practice it. I love the cracked glass technique. I love the doodled look and am working on that. I love altering items, because they can be displayed in your home. My stamping space is in our unfinished basement. Unfortunately I do not get very inspired being in the dark, so most of the time I pick up my stuff and go to the dinning room table. So here is a bit about my stamping life. I will be looking forward to reading about yours!
Something about my stamping life? Hmmm...
I'm not much of a stamper. I have a few stamps that I like, and I stamp once in a while, but mostly I prefer to doodle or collage or cut shapes out of interesting paper. I don't know why.
I usually stamp at the kitchen table.
Hello! I love to stamp and scrapbook. I usually do it when my daughter is napping or in bed for the night, but that means I have to be quiet! I love clear stamps and Stampin Up. I have a small craft room that is shared with the office and guest bedroom. So it is a tight space, but at least I have a place to stamp. Thanks!
Cheryl KVD
I stamp at my dining room table...then we have a very hard time eating at! I'm often inspired at night too and walk up in the morning wanting to make a new card, but I have to get hubby's lunch and coffee made first!
I'm really enjoying clear stamps and how easy it is to place them!! And I like using my Scor-it to embellish card fronts!!
I fell in love with stamping just over a year and a half ago, but sadly don't have near enough time to complete all the projects I have in my head! I usually get to stamp after my 2 year old daughter is asleep at night - IF I'm not exhausted! ;) Right now I stamp in the spare bedroom ( my supplies have taken up the entire closet, and are slowly taking over the rest of the space), but when I host classes it's in my husband's "man room" - which he hates! Reason #1 why we are moving into a house with my OWN stamping area, big enough for everyone and everything! :D Mostly I get inspiration from SCS, and other blogs; you ladies are all so talented!
Thanks for a chance to win some great blog candy! To answer a couple of your questions:
1. What time of day are you most inspired? I am definately a morning person and am usually up and online by 5 am most mornings. I usually have my morning coffee at the pc and then will head off to stamp. Since I am up so early in the morning, I have no energy to stamp or be creative in the evening.
2. Where do you get your inspiration? A lot of my inspiration comes from looking at blogs or galleries. There is so many talented ladies out there that are so creative and amazing enough they share their talent and creativity with us all.
I only foun out about SU around Nov. last year. I stamp everyday. I love making cards and altered items. I stamp in the evenings. My husband is at work and my nest is empty. I took over the dining room. Moved my dining table to the living room. Put the living room furniture in the family room. Now I have two big tables to stamp on and spread out on. Thanks, Mary
Love love love to stamp! I am not sure that I have a favorite stamp or set actually. I have been getting a lot of my inspiration from my little girls clothes. The colors that are mixed together and the fun patterns. I have taken over the dining room and it is now the stamping room, good thing we don't entertain very often.I mostly stamp at night when everyone is in bed, but I would do it all day if I could. ha! Thanks for offering up the fun treats!
My stamping life usually takes place in the afternoons. I have a work station in my sewing room (not that I'm doing much sewing these days!) and find that if I'm stumped for a technique or idea I'll cruise some of my favorite blogs for inspiration.
I love to stamp, but since my husband is retired, I don't seem to be able to get much done - wonder why?! I have my own stamping room (or as DH calls it - the Card Factory). It has a large wrap-around desk which is really great. I get most of my inspiration from SCS & surfing the blogs. My inspiration comes anytime I can find some time alone! I just head for my space & get busy!
I wish I had a craft room but my stamp area is in my kitchen. I have a large wooden cabinet in the corner and I try to cram everything in it. I set all my inks, ribbons, DP and all the latest little cute projects on the top. And I have a little 3 drawer thingy on wheels and I keep my adhesives and small essentials in that. I usually stamp at night, which reminds me, I bet go make my sister in laws b-day card. Thanks.
Hi! I have just recently started stamping. So I am a truly novice. I stamp or make cards usually in the evenings after my kids have fell asleep. That's a time when I have my creative juices flowing as well. I get inspiration from surfing the blogs, or sometimes they just appear from out of the blue... =o)
Well, as you can see by my time stamp, it is very early in the morning. I dreamed all the in-colors last night and got up with layers and designs in my head. This is when I draw my layouts. I usually stamp off and on all day. Sometimes I power stamp. I made swaps all morning yesterday, ran to the P.O. then came back and spent half the day making the "perfect" card for my husband's birthday - Today!
I LOVE adding stamps to my scrapbook pages. Because of my work schedule/full time college student, my stamping-scrapping takes place at night or on the weekend in my 'studio' aka sunroom.
I honestly don't have an actual favorite stamp manufacturer, but having a bestfriend who is a SU! demo, she tends to get me in trouble. :)
MY BLog:
Here are a few things about me and my hobby...I stand up to stamp and scrap...I love to distress and ink edges of stamping/scrapping space is a walk in closet!
Great blog!
OH what fun.... Thanks for the great candy and a chance to win.
I get most of my inspiration from blog surfing.. I truly admire.. Beate, Lindsay, Angie and Michelle... Their all truly SPECTACULAR..
Please come check out my blog and candy...
I love to stamp. I have found i LOVE using VersaMark ink. When I can't think of what to add, this always helps. I love dollar stamps and Stampin' Up! I like to stamp anytime of the day. I find it very relaxing and calming. I have my very own office for my crafts and I love that. It's filled with creativity!
I try to stamp whenever I can. The most time I get to stamp is when I'm doing laundry. The launry room is next to my stamp room and of course you have to be near the machines in the event something might happen!!! SO I'm down there for the duration!!! I get a lot of stamping done then. I get most of my inspiration from SplitCoast. There's a wealth of information and talent there.
I get my inspiration of the computer. I will see a challenge or a layout that I never would have thought of and off I go to play. I stamp in a very small room it is like a large closet. Yet at least a do have a small space anyways.Thanks for sharing.
I love to stamp any time and day, and almost any where!!
I love to get up check my e-mails and check out my favorite blogs. I get my ideas by attending a tech class my sc dem has once a month. She shares her ideas with us and we have great fun.
I love to stamp and mostly make cards, but am slowly getting into scrapping. I get most of my inspiration from all the wonderful blogs (like yours!) out there. Thanks for a chance to win some really great blog candy!
Hi, Rosella. I've only been stamping for a little over 3 years, but I've taken classes from the best and now teach in the LSS. My favorite coloring techniques are using markers, watercolor crayons/pencils and inks for an inkwashed effect, but I do it all. :) Luuuuuuuv color!
For some reason, I get more creative later in the evening, that's why crops are great! But even when I'm by myself, I'll stay up til midnight or 1am Saturday night/Sunday morning scrapping cuz I just can't force myself to put it away. =) Thanks for the blog candy offer!
I'm so addicted to stamping. I am on a roll making the picture boxes for my friends. Love scrapbooking also. Love to work with the german glitter glass and add it to altered things and scrapbook pages and cards.
You have a wonderful blog, I'll be back often. I sometimes stamp/scrap in the afternoon when my daycare kids are sleeping but mostly on Saturday's while my DH is at work. I wish I had more time and lots more work space.
Claudia F.
I love to stamp in the evenings. I get so much of my inspiration from reading these blogs now. I use to live on the SCS website, but the blogs are my new love. I am really loving the altered art at the moment.I use one of the bedrooms that my kids use to have, before they grew up and left home. I love your blog!
I stamp after hubby goes to bed. In the winter as its too cold upstairs, I stamp at the dining table and since we never eat a meal sittng down, it works for me. I keep a small pad of paper to draw sketched or copy layout cards online. I take it with me everywhere.
I also get a lot of ideas from my 10 year old niece who is a great little stamper-she takes classes sometimes with me. If something isnt working, she tells me ( I think its because she really wants it ;)
I love stamping! I get my inspiration from SCS and all of the wonderful blogs out there. I like the clear stamps & SU. I really like distressing things. My DH built me my own stamping room! Thanks for a chance to win some great candy!
I was introduced to stamping after my first miscarriage 20 years ago. It was such good therapy. Fast forward: another miscarriage...lots more stamping. I eventually gave birth to two sweet premie babies and raised them with my husband while we both worked full-time. This meant little or no stamping because when I got home from work, it was family fun time only. Now: first baby has gone off to college (pre-med as she wants to work with premie babies) and now that she's gone, wa la: her bedroom is now my stamping room ; )
I stamp as a creative outlet but ultimately it is used because God's gift to me was that of Encouragement so I make cards for others needing a lift.
Good day!! I like to stamp on weekends, I try to take the whole day on Saturday after I get all my inspirations from you wonderful bloggers! Thanks for the chance at this wonderful candy!!
Great candy Rosella!
My inspiration comes from things I see (colour combos on clothing, or in magazines, or other stamped samples I see from other people's work (like on SCS or in magazines) that I want to try on my own design) and I do most of my stamping while the kiddies are napping in the afternoon, or in the wee hours after everyone has gone to bed - then it's too late to be interupted by the phone or someone at the door, etc.
I love creating cards & have been doing so for over a year when I became ill & had to quit my job. I have a craft room that I spend time in every day. I get inspiration from everywhere and especially enjoy SCS, Papercraft mag, and many wonderful bloggers.
i love reading stamping blogs DAILY... but i don't really get to actually stamp that often. i would say maybe once a week, or once every two weeks. i wish i had more time to stamp every day! :)
Hi Rosella,
I seem to stamp better with a deadline, and so I do alot of swaps. It seems otherwise I have great intentions, but never get around to it. I'm really looking forward to my summer as I'm off work for I think 9 weeks (one of the perks of working in an elementary school!) Hopefully I'll have lots of inspiration with the new catty stuff!
I'm a scrapbooker, turned card maker. I recently took over an area in our guest bedroom for my craft desk. So our dining room table is back to being used strickly for dining:) I love all brands and techniques, it's all so much fun.
Hi Rosella...I am most inspired by my blogging sistahs! Usually by the time I am done blurfing, I have something I want to create! I stamp in my office/craft room which, if it was more neat, would be ideal most of the time!
I am more serious about scrapbooking now that I have a daughter that we love to take pictures of, but I have always enjoyed making my own cards. I get inspired from magazines, blogs, nature, even from my daughters clothing. Thanks.
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