It's my husband's birthday on Sunday May 6. And I am having a hard time coming up with a good birthday present. So I had this idea to make a coaster frame with pictures of our kidos which he could put up in his office. I'm not sure if I am satisfied with it. I tried to make it look oldish, so I printed the photos in sepia. I used the spring flowers paper and sanded the edges and sponged with brown. For the hinges I used the round tab punch from the SU spring mini and added some brads. Now I would really appreciate your comment: Would you give this as a gift?

Yes, I would give it as a gift - and i am sure hubby was very pleased too and will proudly display it at his office. He'll probably have loads of people stop by to admire the piece too!
I like the "hinge" - will be getting that punch for sure; wouldnt have thought of using tabs as hinges ... now I have a brand new idea to play with.
You make very nice cards,
Shogee at Rocketmail dot com
great gift! great idea with the tab punch! i haven't tried the coasters yet. you've got a nice looking family! :)
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