WOW! What a month July has been. We had company for almost the whole month. First my sister and family came and spent 2 weeks here. That was 12 people in the house. After they left I had 2 days to get ready for the next family. My 2 SIL's with their families came and spent 9 days with us. That was a total of 13 people. Now I am trying to get used to it only being us again. I have absolutely not had time to stamp. I have hardly had time to go on SCS. Now it is time for me to catch up. So I want to try out the challenges. Let's see if that will help me get creative again.
I want to share a blog snack with you. Just leave a comment on how you are spending your summer, how do you keep your kids ocupied when at home from school, your favorite food, anything.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
Count me in on this sweet candy! Wow sounds like you have been busy with all the people coming and going. I've been stamping and working. My kids are grown down, Whooo Hooo! so I don't have to worry about keeping them busy. They usually keep me busy. Thanks for a chance.
Nice giveaway! I spent some time with family! Which we are going to do again in a week. We have had two family reunions. We have spent many a hot day at the beach! So far it has been a good summer!!!
Nice!! Hope you had fun with family!! I feel like I've spent my summer buyng and selling a car!! (still trying to sell one) And I've just been hanging out - even took a week off and went nowhere! (that's kind of fun)
Hello! I am enjoying taking my daughter to my parent's house to go swimming. It is so relaxing there and my daughter has so much fun there. Fantastic prize!
Cheryl KVD
Boy, its hard to believe summer is on its way out. I had my granddaughter come from Texas and visit for 3 weeks. Now we are getting ready to go to Alaska to visit my other grandkids. I kept my Granddaughter busy by sightseeing and a waterpark. I also babysit alot for my daughter so the summer has been flying for me.
Hi Rosella...
I try to spend as much time as possible enjoying my little grandkids because they bring me even more joy than I'd get by traveling to exotic lands (and it's a lot less expensive:) We spend most Sat. nights watching movies with friends. It might not sound too exciting, but I'm so happy with my life:)
Hi Rosella!
I am struggling this summer with my 4 1/2 and 1 1/2 year old -- we are craving more structure around here... so I seek out tons of play dates, and we head to one of the beaches on this island where we live. Best fun of all!
I work at a daycare, so my 9 yr old daughter still comes with me and for the most part enjoys it! Then I have a 13 year old son, who is staying at home, that, is a story in itself!!!
We make the most of our weekends since I work during the week. We go camping, to the lake, and both my husband and I schedule as many days off as possible so we can have fun with our 5 yr. old daughter.
Wow! Thanks for the opportunity to win cute stuff!
My summer is being spent toilling away at my day job and stamping in the evenings and weekends. My hubby just took a new job, so we didn't get a summer vacation this year. Luckily for us, we were able to take a week in March and we spent it with friends from West Virginia in Branson, MO.
Hope your summer is going well!
Suzy (http://ink-a-dink-a-doo.blogspot.com)
Hi Rosella,
Our summer has been pretty busy so far. My son was chosen for the allstar team in his division of Little League. So July was baseball month - 2 different tournaments and lots of practices! My daughter is doing a day camp through the SPCA this week and is doing gymnastics camps. We're having our sundeck redone - they found water damage and mold...turned out to be a more expensive project than we originally thought!
Hope you're having a great summer!!
Heather L.
Thanks for the candy. I haven't been anywhere exciting this summer, just alot of work. Our kids are 19 and 22 so they are pretty much on thier own. Just moved our oldest to Chattanooga, TN, 700 miles from us. booooowhoooo.
We went to Miami and Key West in May, so that just seemed to make the summer feel much longer. I love it. LOVE summer. Wish it were "lazy days" like the song.
Hi Rosella,
I am so excited,today is the last day of my babysitting career,then we will be focusing all our energies on homeschooling my three boys,2,4,and 6 !! Since we live in tha Alaskan Arctic we can go to the beach, authough it is to cold to go in the water !! We also spend alot of time on our four wheelers. Please check out the new pics on my blog. stampingforgodsglory.blogspot.com
I spend my summer working as many hours as possible to earn money for college the rest of the year. I actually have 2 jobs this summer. When I have any free time, I try to spend time with my boyfriend or family.
Dear Rosella. Thank you SO much for the wonderful card and the beautiful stamped images that was enclosed in your letter for me! I have just returned from almost eight weeks of holidays and at last managed to collect all the mail that had been piled up in the postoffice while we where gone. And among all the bills was your card. I loved it!! If its ok with you I would like to put it on display in my blog when I return to my house. We have three more days to enjoy the tranquility of nature and sea befor we start work on monday. Thank you so much Rosella, it really made my day to recieve something so beautiful!
What a great blog, I have just found you and I will return. I am spending my summer working and spending as much time as possible with my kids. They are teenagers and right now in the middle of band camp, which I am attending also and cooking for the kids.
I am admiring your lovely cards! Generally I spend a lot of time during the summer on the golf course, but it's been really hot here, and so I'm spending more time in the air conditioned house working on my scrapbooks and making cards instead.
Hi Rosella, just checked in after two weeks holiday - was happy to see you had some new entries! Just got back from Spain, the Costa Brava - spent time on the beach (small alcoves with lovely clean clear sea water!) sat on terraces watching the sea, just enjoying and relaxing with DH and two of our boys. Otherwise the boys amuse themselves with work, Internet, swimming pool, friends etc. in the holiday. I think our fav food is salads and pizzas in the summer time!
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