Thursday, March 6, 2008


I finally got around to some stamping today. Since I'm lacking mojo it did take me awhile to come up with this card. I'm not incredibly impressed with it, but I think it's okay. I am trying to come up with a nice Easter card to send to family. Just thought I'd share it with you. First time I tried the faux-silk technique. Used an old but good set Easy Elegance.


Marilyn said...

Love your spin on the faux-silk technique - this card is really beautiful!!

Unknown said...

This card is so beautiful. I love the colors and the technique is great. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your kind words.

Michelle said...

I think this card is gorgeous. The color is so rich. Very nice!

UrgentCookie said...

This is beautiful! I still need to try this technique. You did a wonderful job with it. :0)

Andrea, said...

Beautiful card, fantastic colours

Velta said...

Rosella ~ Great design and I love your colors. Your mojo is still incredibly good...the photo corners really "pop!"

Lorraine said...

rosella, very pretty colors! love the photo corners and the brads. great job on the challenge. We all have those no mojo days! I know that i've had weeks of no mojo! lol

Stampin' Meg said...

Rosella- this is soooooo pretty!

Yani said...

What a gorgeous card!
Also, I'm giving you the "Blogger of the Day" award... please visit my blog to pick it up:

Have a great day!

Kerry Johnson said...

Love the faux silk technique. Such a pretty card!

Nany said...

beautiful .... lei tu comment en el blog de Patty los ragonflies in spanish are called.... libélulas....Take care

Anonymous said...

I still have not tried this! great card! you also live in Mission?! thats so cool!

Gabby said...

Hola amiga! Como estas? Thanks for stopping by my blog to leave me some love while I was down in the dumps..but then again I can count on you being there as a loyal blog bud! BIG HUGS to you my friend! on to the card...LOVE the faux silk! Isn't it fun to make? Love your card!

Patty Tanúz said...

Rosella, qué bella tarjeta te felicito, es para mi??? aichhhhhhh jajajajajaja
Oye, pues si, el gobierno ha hecho cambios, y los días festivos los pasa a juntar hehehe con los fines de semana para que no haya "puentes" .. se supone que el 21 de marzo es el Natalicio de Benito Juárez, y es día feriado, asi que como cae entre semana, se pasó al lunes!!! Por eso nuestro fin de semana se super alargó hehehe Besosssssssss!!!!!

Anonymous said...

it is PERFECT for spring!!! thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Great colors. tfs

Rosella said...

Signing in

Anonymous said...

Easy Elegance is one of my all time favorite sets. I love it and I love this card. The faux silk technique is beautiful.