Gabby has tagged me and now I am supposed to tell you 7 weird or other things about myself. Thanks Gabby! I must say, I'm having a hard time coming up with these. I guess I'm so used to my weirdness that it seems normal to me LOL!
So here they are:
1.- I was born in Mexico to my parents, who were born in Canada. My grandparents were born in Russia. Their forefathers came to Russia from Holland and Germany. Can anyone help me out. What nationality am I?
2.- I speak 4 languages, but find I can express myself using at least 3 of them in one sentence.
3.- I was diagnosed with Cronic Fatigue syndrome. So, you can blame it on that if I don't post everyday. I'd rather be sleeping.
4.- My favorite food is definitely Mexican, and I find it hard to cook it here in Canada. Also love Italian.
5.- I'm addicted to crafts. My problem is that I don't finish things, because there is always something new to start.
6.- Our bathroom looks as if Picasso was at work. My dh and I have been trying to refinish it, and we're always not quite happy with the results, so that's were it is now.
7.- I am also addicted to coffee. Have to have my coffee everyday. This is an addiction I got from my MIL. She had the habit of making a coffee when we came over. We'd sit down and talk. I guess I do this in her memory.
So, I am supposed to tag 7 people. So, as I see so many of you have been tagged, I will leave it up to you, who have not been tagged to take this as a tag from me. Please leave me a comment so that I can come and read your 7 things. Would love to get to know you better too.
Thanks for playing!